
This is dedicated to my friend David and his daughter Kerry.

This is for those shooters and plinkers, who enjoy shooting and want to get better but don’t get out to the range very much. Yet they have a  desire to get better. Let’s get this clear now, because I’m not the best shooter in the world – far from it. These tips may help, so just give it a chance and see what happens. When shooting prone or standing, alignment is very important. After picking out your target and you think you’re ready, aim at the target. Now drop the stock from the shoulder. Still in position, close your eyes and shoulder the weapon again and point it down range. Open your eyes and you may find the weapon pointed a little left or right. Most people will just swing the weapon to point at the target, and doing so  will usually put the arms and body in  a strained position. Trying to shoot that way produces more barrel movement and it is harder to hold on target. The muscles tire much faster this way because they are not relaxed. Relax and reposition feet or body, depending on if you’re standing or lying down. Go through everything again, which only takes a few seconds. Do this and you will be more relaxed. You will be able to shoot longer and not get tired so easily. The best part is you will hit the bulls eye more often and your scoring will improve, and that’s what makes shooting a lot more fun. Enjoy! Dave, get some rest. Tomorrow will be part II on breathe, heart and trigger. Hope everyone had a great Easter, always remembering what Christ did for us on Calvary. Be Blessed and Remain a Blessing.P1000399

About praynman

Minister of prayer, husband, grandfather,friend, sportsman, competitive shooter, and likes photography.
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